Online Tutoring
Hi, Welcome to Dragon Tutors.
We provide high quality online private tutoring. All lessons are one-to-one and occur in our online classrooms using high quality video chat and interactive whiteboards. We cover all subjects from KS2 to GCSE and A-level. Students and parents can search our UK based tutors and contact them to arrange a free trial lesson.
For Students
Start by searching our highly qualified and experienced tutors. Once you've chosen a tutor, send them a message to request a free trial lesson. When it's time to start the lesson, simply login and enter the Tutor Room. There's nothing to install or setup, all you need is a computer with a webcam. After the free trial, lessons work on a flexible pay as you go basis with no commitment. For safeguarding, all our tutors are ID checked and all lessons are recorded. Learn with the best tutors in the UK from the safety and comfort of your home.
For Tutors
Start by creating a tutor profile to describe the tuition you offer and choose your hourly rate. Tutors must have appropriate qualifications and experience and be able to provide ID. Once approved, you’ll receive your own online Tutor Room which you can access anytime. Once you receive a tutoring request you can schedule lessons at times to suit you and receive payment every week.
More Info
All lessons are one-to-one and occur online in our specialist Tutor Rooms. Live video chat allows tutors and students to talk freely and interactive whiteboards allow co-viewing and co-editing of resources (e.g. diagrams, notes and questions). Share files with a single click and work through questions together, live on screen. Tutor Rooms setup automatically with a single click and run in your internet browser so there’s nothing to install. All you need is a laptop or desktop computer with a webcam and a good internet connection.
Free Trials
Most tutors choose to offer a free trial lesson for new students. This allows the opportunity for tutors, students and parents to meet in the online Tutor Room to discuss tutoring requirements, ask questions and experience an online lesson. To request a free trial, simply send your chosen tutor a message.
The cost of a paid lesson depends on the tutors hourly rate (shown on their profile) and how long the lesson lasts. Students add credit to their account before the lesson using a debit or credit card and after the lesson the correct amount of credit is automatically transferred to the tutor. Students can top up credit anytime on a pay as you go basis.